
Archive for September, 2009


I have this thing for flowers, they’re so pretty! I like them just the way they are as opposed to them in bouquets. This is one of the pretty-ist flower video things I’ve seen so far. Check it out!

Sooooooo PRETTY! =D

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Last Sunday at church, there was an interesting leaflet between the bulletin. There are questions on it, all asking questions about God. Well, here are the questions and my answers.

Q: How can I be sure that God exists?
A: You can feel him.

Q: If God had a facebook page, what would his status be?
A: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son so that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life”  John 3:16.

Q: Why does God let natural disasters take place?
A: So that we can have new land.

Q: Can God make a rock so heavy he can’t lift it?
A: No. Duh. He moves mountains.

Q: If there’s only one God, why are there so many religons?
A: Because when a message is passed down throughout the thousand years and through so many people, the message gets distorted.

Q: If aliens don’t exist, isn’t God wasting a whole lot of space?
A: That’s cos he has not created anything there yet.

Q: If God exists, why doesn’t he just make it obvious to everyone?
A: Then who would believe in him?

Q: Did God create homosexuality?
A: Nopes.

Q: How does God watch over us, using tiny hidden cameras?
A: No. He walks beside you.

Q: Don’t all religions teach the same thing?
A: Yes.

Q: Did God first create chicken or egg?
A: Chicken! cos Adam came first before the baby.

Q: If Jesus had an iphone, what apps would he use?
A: Tap tap dance revolution. Then again, he wouldn’t have an iphone. He doesn’t need it.

In my Film Studies textbook, there’s something like ‘if we analyse beauty, it won’t be beautiful anymore’. Same goes for God.

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My brain cells are dying and fast!

When your mind is tied down by so many things. One compartment for school, another for others, another for everything else.
I think half by brain cells died recently. So, I’m blaming it for making me feel stupid these days.
Annnd, I didn’t know when they die, they make you feel tired.

Boy, am I exhuasted.

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